Anchors: 3/5
“Barbie,” directed by Greta Gerwig, was one of the most hyped movies of the summer, and it didn’t disappoint. The movie opens with Barbie waking up to another day in her dream house. As the movie goes on it shows Stereotypical Barbie and how life is in Barbie Land world: pink and perfect––the same day over and over. When Stereotypical Barbie unexpectedly starts having problems, accompanied by Ken, she goes to the human world and discovers the complexities of human life.
One of my favorite things about this movie is the actors cast for the roles. Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling were great for the roles of Barbie and Ken because of their friendship off screen. The music choice was colorful and exciting; “Dance the Night,” “Barbie World” and “I’m Just Ken” were some of my favorite songs.
However, I think the movie wasn’t outstanding, because there was nothing that really stuck out about it in comparison to other movies. I think the film left people blindsided going into it. The movie also focused on gender stereotypes for Ken as well as Barbie like with the horses, playboy and how they were dependent on women. The catcalling and touching Barbie in the Real World was over exaggerated and did not fit the movie that well. I didn’t like the fact that when Barbie was in the Real World, they focused on the bad things and didn’t show any of the good things about our society.
In the end, “Barbie” had a good message of how nobody is perfect and how the world is definitely not perfect. It also had a good representation of how our world is messed up and how we should be open to changing and fixing it.