Breaking news: There will no longer be any more Headmaster’s Holidays. Head of School Don Schawang, if that is even his real name, figured people were having too much fun at these events so he had to shut them down. Rumor has it that he was planning on using COVID as the reasoning, but seeing as COVID is as fake as the Moon landing, that excuse does not work.
Schawang decided that 20 years ago we had too many snow days, which is the actual reason we will no longer have Headmaster’s Holiday. There are some ways people can earn a day of no school for themself. The quickest, but most difficult, way to secure a slot is by correctly guessing what professional mountain biker and part-time chemistry teacher Eric Nelson will talk about in his announcement(s). Hint: asking ChatGPT to generate around 10 words at random would help you more than asking him personally, as he does not know what the announcement will be until after he says it.
Schawang has received multiple angry emails about this change from senior Xiang Zhang who argues it does not follow the rules of utilitarianism, and responds with the Dawn Dish Soap Battle Cry: Ka kaw.