Comedy Certified Fresh

Ninth grade actors become playwrights

Audrey Nguyen-Hoang

Freshmen Ivan Calderon stands over classmate Ethan Tangpornsin during the ninth grade play. Every year, the freshman drama class performs a play for the whole school

Marie Brockhoff

“A lot of craziness,” is how freshman Cambill Garlock describes the upcoming ninth grade play. Each year, the freshman theatre class writes and performs an original play for the school. While this is potentially nerve-wracking for the freshmen, the audience gets to enjoy a fun and wacky performance. Behind the final product, however, is a long creative process. 

“We started off with coming up with ideas, to put in the play, . . . [then] we just started writing,” says Garlock. The play is an original piece, so ideas are crucial. 

Brainstorming is one of the most entertaining parts of the process. “I’ve enjoyed the different ideas that come out, kind of the comedy of it. . . I definitely like thinking of different jokes,” says freshman AJ Brewer. 

Garlock agrees. Her favorite part was “[Hearing] everyone’s ideas, because we all have very different ideas and to tie it all together is pretty fun.” Combining these unique concepts into a coherent performance may seem difficult, but not to Garlock. “Sometimes we’ll get distracted, . . . but we work pretty well. I don’t think we’ve ever gotten into an argument over an idea,” she says. 

“When I first heard that the ninth graders get to write a play, I thought that it would be kind of hard . . . because it seems like such an abstract thing, but . . . it’s been fun and a lot easier than I thought,” says Brewer about the work. 

The freshmen will take the stage on Friday, December 13th, an unlucky day that the actors will surely improve with copious amounts of comedy. “[Audiences] should probably expect to laugh,” says Brewer. 

Without a doubt, the freshman drama class has a fantastic performance in the works. During this busy time of year, with finals looming on the horizon, the play is an enjoyable diversion. As Garlock says, “It’ll be different!”