Teacher’s Pets

Guinea pigs steal the show

Lady Asher shows off one of the new Guinea Pigs. They are the only pets living inside the school.

Marie Brockhoff, Copy Senior Co-Editor

As students swarmed back to school this year, they were joined by some new, exceptionally furry classmates: two guinea pigs, respectively dubbed Matcha and Boba. PSA: there are now guinea pigs hanging out in faculty member Sara Asher’s room, snacking on hay and carrots between cuddles. “[I was] surprised and happy, because there really aren’t any other class pets in the school,” says eighth grader Liam Smith about the guinea pig invasion. “Usually after lunch and after school I pet them.” 

Although the guinea pigs are currently inhabiting Asher’s room, they belong to sixth grader Vivenne Prô. “We had [the guinea pigs] over the summer, but once we started school, they weren’t getting much attention because we were so busy, so we wondered if we could give them to Lady Asher,” says Prô. “I like [knowing] what they’re doing and that they’re being taken care of, and now they’ll be able to have more interaction with people,” she says.

Prô’s pets are very popular. In particular, seventh grader Hayden Koch visits the guinea pigs daily. “[It’s fun] getting to feed them carrots,” says Koch. “Matcha will scream a little bit [when picked up], but once she gets onto solid ground, AKA my shoulder, she’ll just chill out.” The pets liven up classes. “It’s cute when they make little noises during class,” says Koch. 

Students are welcome to cuddle the animals, but Prô emphasizes safety for both pets and petters. “Try not to shove your fingers in their mouths, because they can’t tell if they’re carrots or not. I think I actually got bitten once . . . they think [your fingers are] food,” says Prô. Each guinea pig has a distinct personality. “The colorful one is Matcha; she’s the more shy, quiet one, but she’s also more calm–she’ll just stand still and let you hold her. Boba, she’s the wild one,” says Prô. “She always steals all the food.” 

It is important to know the guinea pigs’ habits before handling them. “On the first day . . . I held one, and it bit my finger,” says Smith. “It was probably the hardest bite anyone had gotten at that point, and it did start bleeding, . . . but at least we know I’m not a carrot.” Now, Smith can hold the guinea pigs without them squealing. 

“One time, Liam [Smith] picked up Boba and wrapped him up in a little towel, then held him up like Simba and played the ‘Lion King’ song, which was really fun,” says Koch of her favorite guinea pig moment. 

Altogether, the guinea pig invasion seems to be overwhelmingly popular, based on the number of excited students surrounding their cage. “They make a great addition to the general atmosphere, and they’re just cute,” says Smith. So, maybe take some time to cuddle Seabury’s fluffiest class pets–just make sure they can tell the difference between your fingers and carrots first.