
Aquarius: Puhlinky

Pisces: Free water to atone for the sins of your grandmother’s dry dry turkey. And christmans

Aries: I want to hold time in my hand and squeeze all the life out of Man

Taurus: Happy early birthday Alamo! 

Gemini: Dark was the night, Cold was the ground, frightful was the sight, horrific was the sound.

Cancer: Take them boys to school, swagonometry

Leo: Pumpking

Virgo: wait no please don’t spoil endgame (i haven’t seen it yet)

Libra: One (1) corn dog please and 2 (too) more corndogs please and three (III) warm bites please

Scorpio: Bazoinga the red nose reindeer

Sagittarius: *Schploog* the child is almost here!

Capricorn: If Gordon got his head shave I would smack his bald head