Thin socks
When Neela tells me nothing is in my eye but it is actually on fire
The lack of respect for beavers
Drawing {
Live action version of animated films
When blonde people date blonde people
When my nose is hurting from the cold
Worshipped babies
When my computer fan turns on and everyone glares at me with hatred
Jeans with athletic shoes or crocs
The bottom of my pants getting wet
Instagram collages
Parents who are mean to refs
Mis-wear of socks: miss matched, black color, no show
Watching Jesters
Fake lashes
People pretending there are more than 3 scents of cologne
My brother not answering when my mom texts both of us so now I have to
My cat all warm in my bed watching me shivering as I get ready for school
Closed blinds, let the sun in:(
Shoveling snow
Seeing a lone animal in a zoo or a farm
When my socks/shoes are different tightness levels
The idea that next year I won’t have a two week spring break
That there are rules as to where you can or can’t place commas
When Pulsinelli accuses me of not liking the rules of commas because I don’t know them
Eline’s cookies…
People coughing into their hands