Shane Richmond

Lear Eicher, Copy

Faculty member Shane Richmond is a new Seabury math teacher, covering Pre-Calculus, Calc-1, and Calc-2. Richmond grew up near Durango, Colorado and went to school at the Southern Ute Indian Reservation in Ignacio. In high school, Richmond found a way to work a sentence about a duck into all his academic papers. “[At first] I got a little bit of credit taken away for it, but after a while [my teachers] just came to expect it,” Richmond says. In college, Richmond studied at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs as an electrical engineer. “I didn’t want that to be my career, so I just switched to mathematics,” says Richmond. His love for math began in third grade when his great uncle told him about square roots. “There’s so many avenues in math to explore,” Richmond says.

One of Richmond’s biggest hobbies is archery. His dream job would be owning a gym and an archery shop, and “studying math on the side for the government.” Richmond also enjoys football, and has been a Buffalo Bills fan since winning some Bills merchandise in kindergarten.

Richmond and his wife are a power couple–ahem, a powerlifting couple–they usually work out together at 5:00am. Richmond can squat 390 pounds. “We’re chasing 405,” he adds. “I do it for fun; I’m not competitive.” Richmond met his wife in college on a dating app. It was “one in a million,” Richmond says before correcting himself: “well, more like one in 212,000.”